South Eastern Virginia Rocketry Association

Article One – Name

The name of this organization shall be the South Eastern Virginia Rocketry Association (SEVRA).

Article Two – Purpose

SEVRA shall function as a Section of the National Association of Rocketry (NAR) and as a Prefect of the Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA). It shall be the purpose of SEVRA to have fun flying rockets; to encourage and educate local youth and their families about rockets and rocketry safety; to conduct research in experimental rocketry design; and to learn the skill of making composite propellant. The Section will conduct activities per the NAR Safety Code and per the TRA Safety Code.

Article Three – Membership

All adult members of this Section shall be NAR or TRA members in good standing in order to fly High Power Rockets. Members may only fly motors in their Certification Level. Other immediate family members of the adult NAR member need not be NAR members but it will be encouraged. Only Members may fly High Power Rockets. A High Power Rocket is defined as one that has a total weight of more than 1500 grams and contains a motor or motors containing more than 62.5 grams of propellant or rated at more than 160 Newton-seconds (Ns) of total impulse. Members must be over the age of 18, current TRA members, and certified to Level 2 or higher to conduct Research (EX) flights using Experimental Motors. Experimental Motors are defined as those not certified by the NAR or Canadian Association of Rocketry (CAR).

Article Four – Dues

Dues shall be $25.00 per calendar year. All NAR or TRA Certified High-Power Flyers are required to pay dues. Family members may fly Low and Mid Power Rockets based upon another family member’s dues. Families or individuals who wish to vote must have paid dues prior to polling, regardless of Power Level.

Non-members: Launch fees at each launch - $10 HP, $5 MP, and LP is free to everyone. Membership is conferred upon any person who has paid a cumulative $30 in launch fees.

For new members joining after 6 months (Jul 1st, generally), the BOD may elect to pro-rate Club Dues for the remainder of the year. The cumulative launch fees require for Membership will be considered as well..

The American Rocketry Challenge (TARC) teams and University Student Launch Initiative (USLI) are free. Other student organizations may be considered, by the BOD, for deferred launch fees.

SEVRA dues are separate and distinct from national dues paid to the NAR or TRA. The BOD, with approval of a majority of the members, may change the dues at any meeting of SEVRA but will not eliminate them all together. The Secretary will provide notice of such intent to each member at least five days before such a meeting.

The Treasurer will keep all dues monies in a General Fund. The Treasurer shall pay out monies as directed by a majority of the SEVRA Board of Directors (BOD) to cover such items as TRA Prefect membership, NAR Section Charter Fees if they become a requirement, launch gear repairs or upgrades along with SEVRA requirements. Special assessments may be levied by a majority vote of the members present and voting at any meeting of the BOD provided notice of such intent is given to each member at least five days before such a meeting.

Article Five – Meetings

SEVRA shall hold regular meetings before scheduled launches. The SEVRA BOD will designate the duration, and place of those and any special meetings.

Operation of the rocket range is not a meeting. Launch equipment may be set up before or after meeting adjournment.

Article Six – Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of SEVRA shall include the officers indicated in Article 7.

Article Seven – Officers

The officers of this Section shall consist of:






All officers shall be members of SEVRA and of the NAR with the exception that the Prefect and the Secretary, both of which shall be a member of the TRA.

Duties of the President and Prefect:
  To conduct SEVRA meetings
  To be the launch director
  To oversee the operation of SEVRA
  To serve on the Board of Directors

  To Administer the SEVRA Facebook Page and Group

Duties of the Vice-President:
  To perform the President’s duties when the President is inactive or unavailable
  To perform the Secretary duties when the Secretary is unavailable
  To perform the Treasurer duties when the Treasurer is unavailable
  To serve of the Board of Directors

  To Administer the SEVRA Facebook Page and Group

Duties of the Secretary:
  To take and maintain the minutes of all SEVRA meetings
  To maintain the SEVRA webpage
  To maintain SEVRA’s records (e.g., members information and attendance)
  To send out e-mail announcing SEVRA meetings and launches
  To serve on the Board of Directors

  To Administer the SEVRA Facebook Page and Group

Duties of the Treasurer:
  To maintain SEVRA’s monies
  To collect dues from SEVRA’s members
  To disburse funds as directed by the Board of Directors
  To serve on the Board of Directors

  To Administer the SEVRA Facebook Page and Group

Article Eight – Elections

The election of officers for SEVRA shall occur during the month of September. Newly elected officers will assume their positions on October 1. All officers and members of the Board shall serve a term of one year. Nominations are limited to those who are SEVRA members in good standing for a minimum of one year. In the case of Family Memberships, only one family member may vote. Otherwise all members may vote.

When a vacancy occurs, nominations and an election of a Section member are conducted to fill the remaining term of office. These elections shall take place within 30 days of the vacancy announcement. Nominations for all elections are made from the floor. The candidate having the largest number of votes assumes the position.

Conduct elections in the following order:

Accept nominations for all Offices.

If not more than one person is nominated for an Office, the person will be the de facto electee for that office.

If more than one person is nominated for an Office, Members will vote. The nominee with the largest number of votes shall be the electee. Order of vote shall be President, Prefect, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. This allows a runner-up for one office to stand for a lower office without re-nomination.

Article Nine – Committees

The Board of Directors determines the need for committees.

Article Ten – Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those SEVRA members present and voting at any meeting of the Club. In the case of Family Memberships, only one family member may vote. The Secretary will provide notice of such intent to each member at least five days before such a meeting.

Adopted: 15 Dec 2019 Signed: